On July 23, 2016, Harwinton Land Trust members (Bob Clark, Larry Connors, Paul Edwards, Gary Griffin, Craig and Heather Henry, Bob Orciari, Eric Rahn, and Bill Tracy) installed 340 ft of boardwalk at Meadowview over two separate sections of trail. One 130 ft boardwalk spanned the tip of the south marsh and another 210 ft boardwalk was installed between the south and north marshes. Combined with close to 250 ft of boardwalk constructed along the side of the north marsh last year, Meadowview has close to 600 ft of boardwalks. The boardwalk system is now complete and will allow visitors to keep their feet dry, even during wet times of year. Meadowview’s trail loop is about ¾ mile in total length and was constructed with seniors and small kids in mind. The cost of lumber was covered through a grant by the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation.