Our mission is to acquire, preserve, and conserve significant open spaces in Harwinton to benefit the environment and the public.
The Harwinton Land Trust store is now open! Show your support for conserving Harwinton land by purchasing some Harwinton Land Trust gear. Your purchase will help support the important work of the Harwinton Land Trust. Use the link below:
Environmental Opportunities
Take Action with Invasives

This guide, published by the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Inc, was developed to help landowners identify, control and replace non-native invasive plants in their yards. Invasive plants thrive outside their natural range, threatening the health of our native plant and animal communities. By replacing invasive with natives our lands will be naturally beautiful and a place for you – and native wildlife – to enjoy year round. Download the guide here.
Invasives walk, talk and cut at the Harwinton Land Trust Meadowview Property in November
Our recent invasive plant walk, talk and cut proved to be a very informative experience focused on recognizing and controlling invasive plants such as bittersweet and Japanese knotweed. Many thanks to Rose Hiskes a volunteer with the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group, CIPWG.

Recent Work On Our Trails
November 16th Work Party at Indian Meadow
A work party at Indian Meadow made improvements in a variety of areas. 7 volunteers helped to fix the roof on the water collection structure, clear 1/3 of the field, and tackle some invasives. Many thanks to Bob, Eric, Everett, Frank, Mary, Josh and Karen.

August 10th Work Party at Forever Forest
A small but mighty work party added much needed gravel to previously wet sections of the trail and did some trimming of trail encroaching bushes. The view from the recently moved observation deck is beautiful, a great place to relax. Kudos to Bob O, Bob H, Steve, Kathi and Karen.

New Bench at Bull Pond
Our excellent steward, Steve, along with his grandsons added a new bench along the Bull Pond trail. Another great spot to rest, relax and enjoy nature.

Bull Pond Red Trail has a new bridge!
Changes to the trail including a new bridge were necessary following flooding. Many thanks to Steve C., EricR., Steve K. and Dan L.

Indian Meadows now has an active beehive!

Many thanks to Eric and Scott for erecting the solar powered electric fence to keep Winnie the Pooh and friends away from the bee hive and the bees that Rob added on May 4th. More essential pollinators added to the environment!
Saturday April 20th – Forever Forest Work Party

The observation deck was hauled out of the water and is now on dry land. A new trail section was added to avoid the water.
Bull Pond Boardwalk
The boardwalk has been completed! A fantastic job by just a few members. Thanks again to Steve, Eric, Dan and Steve for their hard work and dedication!

More progress on the boardwalk today (11/24/23)

Bull Pond has had some trail angels at work. (aka Steve C., Eric, Dan, Jake, Steve K.) From one week to the next, a new boardwalk is being built. The most bottom photo shows why there is a need – the water is almost flowing over the present boardwalk.

Indian Meadow
Thanks to an energetic group of volunteers we were able to clear the center meadow at our Indian Meadow property, weed the pollinator garden and trim the trails.
Thanks to all who volunteered!
